
Hamlet: First impressions of the royal family?

For this week's post, look over your annotations of 1.2, select one member of the Danish royal family (Hamlet, Gertrude, or Claudius), and post your initial impressions of this character.  If you plan to focus on Claudius, consider how Claudius strikes you as a king, as an uncle, as a father figure to Hamlet.  If you choose Hamlet, explore how Hamlet responds to his uncle and mother. What kind of prince is he?  And if you opt to focus on Gertrude, look at how she comes across as a queen, a widow, and a mother.

Make sure that your post is 350-500 words, and that you properly cite the play in your post--utilizing slashes between lines and MLA parenthetical citations of Shakespeare.

You should also include some sort of visual (photo or video) that you think best encapsulates your initial impressions of the character you've chosen.

Your post is due by class time on Monday, and you should submit your URL to Canvas.

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